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Slash your Workers Comp. expense up to 50%.
We recently saved a company with 1,000 employees $832,000 Annually, including FICA Tax Savings!

Significantly Increase your Employee Retention.
Add some Powerful, Valuable, FREE Benefits that will reduce turnover and create significantly more healthy employees.

Offer Exclusive Benefits to Attract New Employees.

All at No Cost to You or your Employees.

WIMPER plan under section 105b meets IRC(D) Medical Expense requirements.
Benefits approved by ACA, HHS, DOR and CMS.

What's in it for the Employees?

We are the Most Unhealthy Nation on Earth.

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, in America we spend over $13,493 Annually Per Person on Health. That's over 17% of the Entire Gross Domestic Product.

U.S. Employers will see the biggest Healthcare Cost Jump in a decade in 2024.

28% of U.S. Adults are skipping doctor visits because of cost.

U.S. Life Expectancy is Dropping, now 76, down from 79 just 2 years ago. This is the lowest of any industrialize nation. Even Canada (84) and Germany (85) beat us. 

Your employees are PAID to be well.
We incentivize them to be active.

When you prevent an injury or a disease before it turns into a Workers Comp. issue, you are ahead of the Game.

No cost to the Employee.
No cost to the Employer.
A Host of Services including FREE Cash Value Life Insurance, Free  24/7 Telemedicine, Free Disability Insurance, etc.

Doesn't it make sense to see if Your Business Qualifies?

Dr. Rick Mayer

We can SLASH your Workers Compensation expense up to 50% for FREE.

And that's just the beginning. You won't believe what we do for your employees, also for FREE!
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